The Thank You Dance for the Platinum Jubilee Pageant created by Jeanefer Jean-Charles from Jeanefer Jean-Charles & Associates and Ali Pretty from Kinetika

Jeanefer Jean-Charles & Associates and arts organisation Kinetika were commissioned to create a section for the Queens Platinum Jubilee Pageant.

The Platinum Jubilee Pageant, which was part of an extended Bank Holiday Weekend, took place on Sunday 5th June 2022. 

Jeanefer Jean-Charles & Associates and Kinetika presented The Thank You Dance in the Pageant - a visually arresting spectacle made up of over 200 performers drawn from across generations covered in hand-painted silks and holding vibrant flags designed and made by community groups.

Inspiration was taken from Her Majesty to thank key workers and the essential role they have played throughout the pandemic, volunteers who have stepped up with kindness to look after their neighbours and young people who are actively taking responsibility for the future of our planet.

The Thank You Dance as part of The Pageant wound through the streets of Westminster and along The Mall past Buckingham Palace telling the story of these incredible people who have transformed lives through their kindness.

Photo credit: Matt Crossick/PA Wire

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