Creative Partner

As part of a 2019 exchange project with the city of Norwich and the town of Tilbury, Jeanefer Jean-Charles worked with Norwich City Council and Kinetika to deliver an integrated public engagement programme, culminating in a spectacular procession, part of a city-wide celebration.

Performance Director 

People Power Passion was a five month-long programme, part of Luton's Pilot Year of Culture bringing Luton's communities and cultures together. This was part of the city's strategic vision for the arts, culture and creative industries which includes plans to bid for UK City of Culture 2025.

Commissioned by Luton Town Council, Jeanefer Jean-Charles worked as Performance Director for The People's Launch, an explosive immersive performance outside the Town Hall, looking back on the 1919 riots in Luton.

Movement Director

Jeanefer Jean-Charles was commissioned by the Greater London Authority and The Mayor's Office, to create a Human Shamrock featuring 200 volunteers in Trafalgar Square. The piece was rehearsed in secret to kick off London's St. Patrick’s Day 2019 celebrations with Tourism Ireland.

"200 people and a dog make a giant human shamrock in London"

Irish Central

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