
Jeanefer Jean-Charles created a brand new piece of dance theatre for State of Emergency, which put male relationships under the microscope, studying classic role models, exploring the male perspective. From the emotional bond between father and son, to the solidarity and relaxed approach to friendship, five spectacular male dancers presented snapshots of young men in the 21st Century.

It's A Boy was created in response to the many reports of gun and knife crimes. While the piece did not involve guns or knives, it looked at how a simple moment or accident can escalate into a violent reaction.

Working creatively with contemporary dance and flavours of House Dance, Jeanefer choreographed a punchy, non-narrative, symbolic piece, inspired by the uncertainty surrounding a moment when two men accidentally bump into each other.

Choreography: Jeanefer Jean-Charles
Street Dance Material: Vicky Igbokwe
Dancers: The Company - State of Emergency
Music edited and mixed: DJ Walde
Thanks to: June Gamble, Pearl Jordan, Ann Mitchell, Katie Pearson and Martha Stylianou

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